Sound Systems + Distributed Audio/Video

We believe in sound design that provides a consistent experience across the entire retail space. Each design can be separated into different zones for different events, etc. We engineer and design video walls that fit in to your environment. For new spaces, we work hand in hand with the design team to provide them with relevant information and design suggestions, all the while providing budget numbers which are extremely important to the project.

Various solutions can accommodate a wide range of budgets, and the right video wall can be found for various industries through various high end brands.


Automation and Control

Our main two goals are for your system to be easy to use and reliable. We can create a simple and effective control system. Technology Communication Systems takes a consultative approach to understanding the unique business demands, then engages in the process of building setting up a universal control. You can adjust lighting, turn on TV’s, sound systems, and control it by the touch of a image.

An experienced design specialist will work closely with you to comprehend your business processes and goals. We’ll then deploy proven methodologies, tools and industry best practices to design a plan aligned with your goals to construct a cost-efficient, secure and reliable AV installation and control.


Network and Phone Systems

The retail industry can be extremely complex, so it is important that a communications system does not make operations any more difficult for your store. Technology Communication Systems’ solutions are easy to use and easy to manage, leaving retailers more time to focus on selling. We make sure to design a manageable phone and network system for your business that is easy to use and functional. Some large retailers have saved hundreds of man-hours every year just because the phone system is easier to change and functional with other programs you’re using in the store.


HVAC and Climate Control

We're pleased to serve both residential and commercial customers with quality & professionalism. We specialize in all phases of residential and commercial heating, cooling, ventilation and indoor air quality applications. We work with brands, such as Nest, for easy climate control options that you can change right from your smartphone.

Let’s schedule an appointment today, and discuss what we can do for your business.


Closed Circuit TV - Security Camera Systems

Security at its best. Need to have an eye on a location of inventory, or your own personal belongs? Digital security cameras are the latest way to have that backup. We have the most advanced systems and ability to upgrade your current aged system. You’ll be able to see it right from your phone or TV system.


DVR 𐄁 NVR 𐄁 Digital IP Cameras 𐄁 Analog HD Cameras 𐄁 Night Vision Cameras 𐄁 Mobile Device and Computer Remote Viewing


Installation 𐄁 Programing 𐄁 Upgrading 𐄁 Repair Services
