also Serving south florida

Automate and Design is your #1 source for residential and commercial security systems, network infrastructures, lighting, audio and visual systems in South Florida. Our trained and experienced staff of professionals ensure each project is done in a timely manner and done right.

Scheduling an estimate is easy, free, and non-obligatory. Once you schedule, we will have a representative reach out to you via phone within 24 hours to set up an appointment. We will map out the best and most affordable security system, audio and visual or WiFi system for your home or business.

If your business depends on delivering the ultimate audio visual experience for your clients on a daily bases, Automate and Design is the right call. Whether you have a small location with a single screen to deliver a message to clients or you have a multilevel sports bar or club with 50 screens or more. The visual clarity and riveting sound your clients experience will bring them back week after week.

Contact Automate and Design today to get started!